When it comes to anti-aging, it is our belief that you target the skin two ways:
1 - From the outside in
2 - From the inside out
Cell Regeneration is the key component from Newport Cosmeceuticals that targets the aging process from the outside in.
When you look at the outer layers of the skin, you commonly find a buildup of dead skin cells. When you have this buildup, two things occur:
- First of all the skin’s appearance is not living up to its true potential.
- Second, the formation of new skin cells is slower than normal and with limited new skin cells developing, the skin’s natural anti-aging process decreases significantly.
Newport Cosmeceuticals Cell Regeneration is a highly effective scientific solution to treating the skin from the outside in. Using Vitamin A technology, this formula targets the new development of cells.
How does that work? Vitamin A is a raw material that has been widely used for decades in new cell development. What the Vitamin A does is really quite simple. Vitamin A "irritates" the current skin cells just enough to regenerate new ones. The key is to make sure that the Vitamin A is at a high enough level to give you the anti-aging, fine line softening results that you are looking for. Newport’s formula contains 2% Vitamin A in this formula, which is one of the highest concentrations available.
But don’t think that the Cell Regeneration formula is just about the Vitamin A. What makes Cell Regeneration completely unique is how it delivers the Vitamin A into the skin. Sure, you may have heard of Glycolic Acid before, but did you know that it is the smallest Alpha Hydroxy Molecule? The reason that Newport Cosmeceuticals incorporate 10% Glycolic Acid in the Cell Regeneration formula is for its amazing penetration abilities.
Let’s face it, you want an anti-aging product that works and Cell Regeneration does! You will benefit from BOOSTED cell turnover and NEW cell development. Many products push the hype of their anti-aging formulas. Newport Cosmeceuticals can put the RESULTS in the hype.
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